~Texas Bellend~

Roll up your sleeves because the truth is getting deep.

The Dead Duck District Attorney Able Reyna is clinging on to power as we gladly watch the walls of lies and corruption come tumbling down.  Able Reyna had in mind for his future sight on Texas Attorney General or Texas Governor back in 2015, until he lost the primary election in Spring of 2018.  He wanted the notoriety that he would be the first elected public official to take down” Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs” by the droves. Instead what we see here is the first Elected Official that will go down as the biggest criminal of organized criminal activity and political corruption by way of investigations by the FBI.

As the list of those bikers indicted for Organized Criminal Activity dwindled down, some cases were dismissed.  We now are looking at 25 bikers who are re indicted on new charges on the same case numbers. Filing superseding indictments under the same case number is a violation of the Court of Criminal Procedures here in Texas. Houston Attorney Clay Conrad at Looney & Conrad P.C. educated the public.  Dallas Attorney Clint F. Broden from Broden & Mickelsen publicly disagreed with Paul Looney. Waco has done what ever they wanted thus far no matter what law or constitution they trample on they do it. They have broken the law and constitution so many times it really is hard to keep up. Maybe this is where Clint Broden is coming from.  Seriously folks the Attorneys here in Texas have been raising their hands and shaking their heads now for over 3 years saying what the hell! As Houston Attorney Paul Looney has said many times that Waco runs on their own laws and rules hence the “Book of Waco” has not been found by any Attorney to give explanation for Waco’s unlawful actions and total disregard for Laws of this land and our Constitution.

There are 3 bikers cases that have not been mentioned in the media.  They are not dismissed nor re indicted but instead have been passed to the special prosecution team and are in limbo.  So far the special prosecution team has called bull shit on the charges of other cases that they have looked into.

These dismissals prove the Grand Jury in Waco actually had no real evidence to indict other than a biker was at Twin Peaks, wearing a cut, and Able Reyna’s words.

April 2, 2018 Attorney Don Tittle and Able Reyna were present in Austin for a hearing to lift the stays on the Civil Cases to proceed against the unlawful arrests of the bikers that cases were dismissed.  Judge Sparks appeared to be in the Defense favor and then in a very odd and rehearsed way the Judge decided to put a 90 day stay on the Civil cases. Why? Well, the Federal Prosecutors in the Pike and Portillo trial in San Antonio have “wiretapped conversations” that would be applicable to the Twin Peaks Biker Civil cases somehow.  As of now, past 90 days later people are asking when the stay should be lifted because July 2nd was the day.  THE JUDGE SAT ON THE ORDERS FOR 2 WEEKS BEFORE SIGNING THE 90 DAY STAY so no one really knows.  Attorney Don Tittles has the same attitude as all of the others in his profession…. We don’t know because Waco seems to do whatever they want.  So, all the Attorneys can do is file some motions and wait. Same shit different day!

As of July 13th,  Judge Sparks ordered an additional 60 day stay on the Civil Cases.  What is concerning here is that neither prosecution nor defense asked for the stay.

June 19th 2018 Dead Duck DA Able Reyna fires his Assistant DA of almost 8 years Amanda Dillion.  Why? She talked to the FBI about Able Reyna’s corrupt ways and illegal dealings. Able Reyna had Amanda Dillions employee review pulled and changed from outstanding reviews from former Assistant DA Michael Jarrett to directly blaming Amanda Dillion for the failed prosecution of Jacob Carrizal trial ending in a mistrial. Amanda Dillion was escorted off property by one of Able Reyna’s investigators.


Waco District Attorneys Ship is vacant and Able Reyna is hiring after all his Pirates of the Constitution bailed ship.  Who could possibly want to work for you Able! Maybe bullet qualification number two should read…Must maintain personal loyalty to the District Attorney Able Reyna over the Constitution, Laws, Federal Agencies, Ethics, Morals, must be able to take mental and verbal abuse and relent all self-esteem and basic concept of doing what’s right and downright dirty dog wrong.

waco twin peaks

Wouldn’t it be great if all the attorneys that represented any biker from the Twin Peaks tragedy apply for this position and flood his office with resumes.  Priceless!

Twin Peaks May 17, 2015 are in College text books now.  Primarily, the Texas Government books. Here is a few pages from the W.W. Norton & Company Inc.

Waco Texas

Let’s talk a bit about the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement in Downtown Las Vegas Nevada called the Mob Museum.  Yes you can pay $29.95 to view all the riff raff outlaws history of this country. Included with the Mob Museum is the exhibit of perception of Motorcycle Clubs.  Yes read it and take it in folks. This is the perception that is fed to the general public about Motorcycle Clubs. Gangsters, Thugs, Misfits…When its really Waco Law Enforcement and Municipality of Waco along with DPS, Texas Rangers and FBI that perpetuated Waco May 17th 2015.

outlaw biker gangs

Chris Cox, the founder of Bikers For Trump (who interviewed with James “Hollywood” Macecari on July 7th ) would be such an asset to the MC community by reaching out to President Trump about what has and is transpiring here in Texas concerning the wrongful arrests of over 170 bikers May 17th 2015.  You Sir are the only one that can talk to him face to face.  I would love to have that chance like you can to talk to our President. He needs to know about the mass arrests of innocent Americans, the absolute cookie cutter indictments, and the consistent multiple violation of these Americans Constitutional Rights by the municipality of Waco Texas.

chris cox and trump

The other day I read a very eye opening article from an attorney.  I have always had questions as to why the Municipality of Waco Texas has been able to fluently break laws and violate the Constitutional Rights of these American Bikers that were wrongfully arrested and indicted.  I got a lot of answers from this article. Tell me what you think.


Please email me with your point of view.


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